Program Design

Our credentialed experts have the educational background and in-house project planning and management experience to design programs that win grant monies and align with your organization’s strategic plan. We complete each step, from setting program goals to outcomes, and everything in-between. […]

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Prospect Research

We uncover funding opportunities. Based on your program’s characteristics and funding needs, we will help you find prospective funders that are well-suited for your program. Our clients enjoy the benefits of WWG’s connections to several professional grant, fundraising, and development societies, and the Professional Plan of the Foundation Center. Our professionals are armed with the resources […]

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Grant Writing

We follow funding agency guidelines to complete your grant application on time and on budget. WWG consultants have over 150 years of combined grant experience in both private and corporate foundations, as well as local, state, and federal government agencies. A crucial and unique element of our approach is our Red Team – an independent […]

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